
Sales & Purchasing Representati


Savannah, a dedicated member of our team since 2017, is a local to the Annapolis, MD area. Joining Chesapeake straight out of college, she has been a driving force behind our mission. Her passion for the job stems from a deep understanding of the positive impact our company’s work has on the planet. Savannah actively contributes to the company’s commitment to environmental responsibility by recycling plastic and reintroducing it into the domestic market. Her motivation is fueled by the desire to make a tangible difference. Savannah actively seeks collaborations with both small and large manufacturers, aiming to assist them in achieving their environmental sustainability goals. Outside of her professional life, she is set to tie the knot in the fall of 2024. Savannah’s commitment to her work, coupled with her personal milestones, paints a vibrant picture of someone making waves both professionally and personally.